Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Akon featuring Michael Jackson - Hold My Hand

I'm not sure if you're aware that there is a new MJ song being leaked on the Internet recently, and it's a collaboration with Akon. Apparently, it's Akon featuring Michael Jackson, not the other way round, and it's scheduled to be the first single from Akon's forthcoming album, Acquited.

The song is titled Hold My Hand, and you can listen to it from this website. The song has been removed from YouTube already, and not many other sites have it now.

After listening to the song for the first time, I was simply overjoyed because MJ is singing again. It's like his old records where you can hear his wonderful singing voice, proving that he has not lost his God-given talent after all these years.

Strangely though, Akon sounds a little like him. Not sure if that's a good thing, but I'd say they managed to compliment each other well and blended into each other. The harmonising is great and you can't really tell who is singing which part at times.

As for the song's message, it's pretty meaningful. Just remove all your pre-conceived notions of MJ and you will enjoy the song.

I've done some scouting around and I'm very pleased to learn that about 90% of the comments for the song are good, and that they can't wait for MJ's comeback album. For once, people are able to appreciate the song for what it is rather than base their judgments on the person.

Hope that the new album will not disappoint. There's no release date yet though. We shall keep our fingers crossed. In the meantime, here are the lyrics to the song:

Akon featuring Michael Jackson - Hold My Hand
This life don’t last forever (hold my hand)
So tell me what we’re waitin’ for (hold my hand)
Better off being together (hold my hand)
Than being miserable alone (hold my hand)
Cause I’ve been there before
And you’ve been there before
But together we can be alright
Cause when it gets dark and when it gets cold
We can just hold each other till we see the sunlight
So if you just hold my hand
Baby I promise that I’ll do all I can
Things will get better if you just hold my hand
Nothing can come in between us if you just hold, hold my, hold my, hold my hand
The nights are getting darker (hold my hand)
And there’s no peace inside (hold my hand)
So why make our lives harder (hold my hand)
By fighting love, tonight
Cause I’ve been there before
And you’ve been there before
But together we can be alright
Cause when it gets dark and when it gets cold
We can just hold each other till we see the sunlight
So if you just hold my hand
Baby I promise that I’ll do all I can
Things will get better if you just hold my hand
Nothing can come in between us if you just hold my hand



At 2:55 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The song is catchy – Michael brings Akon to another level. It’s time to let the past, pass away. If this is a sample of what Michael Jackson has been up to lately, then I want to hear more!

At 12:27 pm, Blogger Son of a Gan said...

Totally agreed! It's Michael's first serious new song in 5 years, the last being One More Chance in 2003. The musical landscape has changed considerably since, let's hope he can keep up with the times and come up with something fresh yet classic.

At 4:37 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The song is back on youTube now. I have never been a fan of Akon, but I think he did a good job. Michael sounded good also. I wish he would have sung more, but he didn't. I will just look forward to his new album, when it comes out.

At 4:45 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like the song HOLD MY HAND, MJ sounds good. Hurry MJ! Your fans are waiting.

At 12:42 am, Blogger Son of a Gan said...

Hihi...yeah you're right! It's up on YouTube again, fantastic.

Will.I.Am recently said that MJ is taking his time and will release the album when he's ready.

Actually I don't mind not getting any news about the new album, then I'll be pleasantly surprised when it suddenly appears in stores the next week. Better than continue to live on false hopes that it will be out soon but it keeps getting delayed.


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