Tuesday, September 16, 2008

I Love The JabbaWockeeZ!

Just to share with you 2 videos of the JabbaWockeeZ. FYI, JabbaWockeeZ are the winners of the first season of the MTV dance series, America's Best Dance Crew. Pity this show isn't shown on MTV Asia.

I had the good fortune of meeting the boys in Genting last month and I can say that they're absolutely down to earth fellas. How I wish I can be one of them! Doing what they love and being darn good at it. This is the type of dance that I really like - coordinated and tight and most importantly, it has soul. 

Too many dance routines nowadays are like aerobics workouts that have absolutely no connection to the song at all. The moves can be reproduced wholesale for another similar sounding song and it will still fit perfectly. The moves are that generic.

Anyway, this first video is their performance during the Michael Jackson week of the show early this year, where they performed MJ's P.Y.T., a mash up between the original 1982 version and the updated 2008 remix. It's damn cool!

This second video is more recent, taking place early this month at the BMI Urban Awards, where the Jacksons were honoured with the prestigious BMI Icon Award. MJ didn't turn up but his four other brothers did, together with Janet, who did the honours. Jermaine was missing too.

But anyway, the Jabba boys paid an excellent homage to the original Dancin' Machines with this super cool routine. They incorporated many of the Jacksons' moves into this, including the iconic robot dance by Michael during the instrumental segment of the song. You can see that even at a young age, MJ was already coming up with these memorable moves. Enjoy the video!


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